Analyzing research methods for research with people with disabilities

This study retrospectively analyzed our experiences of conducting three studies with people with spinal cord injuries that spanned over five years. I analyzed our study notes and synthesized some guidelines for conducting research with people with multiple disabilities, such as spinal cord injury.

My role: Lead researcher (design and conduct the retrospective analysis, interview researchers, and conduct ethnographic observations).

Other stakeholders: Computer scientists, Occupational therapists

User population studied: People with spinal cord injury, Occupational therapists, and Researchers who design studies with people with disabilities.

User study methods: Ethnography, Semi-structured interviews

Tools and analysis methods: Zoom communications, ATLAS.ti,


Opportunities to Support Mechanical Ventilation Weaning

Joshua Dawson, Kazi Sinthia Kabir, Thomas Kauffman, Stephen K. Trapp, Jason Wiese

UbiComp/ISWC 2022 Posters and Demos, 2022 Sep

The Impact of Spinal Cord Injury on Participation in Human-Centered Research

Kazi Sinthia Kabir, Ahmad Alsaleem, Jason Wiese

DIS '21, Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2021, pp. 1902–1914


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